Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What's New in V

Q: What’s new in Version 4.40 Product Update 6?
A: You now can save printer information by Workstation for Report Settings and Form Codes! MAS V will retain the last printer used based on the workstation ID.

Q: How can this be of value to me?
A: This can be very handy in multi-user and multi-location environments where each user would like to print to a specific printer. This enhancement is also is extremely beneficial when particular printers are used for different types of printing.

Q: Will this new feature work with every module?
A: This new functionality will work with the following modules: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Bank Reconciliation, Bill of Materials, Bar Code, Credit Card Processing, General Ledger, Inventory Management, Purchase Order, Return Merchandise Authorization, and Sales Order.

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