Monday, July 29, 2013

Reduce Excess Inventory - Reduce Working Capital - Eliminate Stock-Outs

Join us for a free informational webcast on  August 14th at 2 pm (Eastern) or on August 28th at 4 pm (Eastern).

Learn more about this affordable cloud solution that helps companies reduce excess inventory and working capital, while eliminating stock-outs. It connects to Sage ERP data to deliver real-time health-checks on the inventory that makes a difference to the bottom line, reduce the time spent on forecasts, and resolve the optimal investment required to achieve target fill rates.

Business Benefits:

- Reduce excess inventory by 10%-15%
- Reduce working capital and free up 15%-20%
   of cash tied into inventory
- Improve fill rates by 2%-10% and reduce stock outs
- Reduce time spent on forecasting by 50% and save money

As a cloud-based solution, Sage Inventory Advisor can be implemented in just few hours and is accessible anytime, anywhere. It requires no local hardware installation and provides worry-free updates and maintenance.

Call Michelle at 860.399.4215 x.202 or e-mail to register today.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is far more than just a software application. It is a business solution that gives you the ability to connect with and understand your customers. It is a combination of people, processes and technology and covers every interaction with your customers across the entire business.

What are you using to manage your business? With Sage CRM you can reduce costs and increase profitability through a customer focused business. Developing a 360° view of your customers ensures that all the necessary information is available to all areas of your business, enabling your staff identify and exploit every sales opportunity.

Find out more about Sage CRM and what it can do for your organization. Call Michelle Laudano to attend our next free informational webcast: 860.399.4125 x. 202