Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Fever

Account Manager Corner: Your Resource for Excellence

Are you catching Spring Fever? Do you want more time to escape work? Would you like to spend more time outside of the office? Would you like extra time to maybe to catch a baseball game, or to take a walk in the park? Why can’t you?

We challenge you to think of your 5 most daunting tasks. What is it that keeps you in the office past closing? What tasks keep you awake at night worrying? Schedule a brief meeting with us to tell us about your worries. See what we can do to help you save time and automate your hassles.

Nikki Spirito
Customer Account Manager
Computer Management Services, LLC
Phone 860.399.4215 Ext. 202
Fax: 860.399.5894

Monday, March 22, 2010

15 Predictions and Trends for 2010

I was reading an interesting article from Entrepreneur about predictions for 2010. Let's see how these predictions pan out. Here is the link if you are interested:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Road Rage by Val Darling

Another drive flies past you on the highway, swerves in and out of lanes ahead of you, cuts off another car or two. Maybe cuts off a huge truck as well. It’s annoying and unsafe. Ever wonder why people drive that way?

My guess if it’s after 4pm, they’ve had a bad day at the office. For which there are as many reasons as there are people. How could some of those reasons be eliminated? I asked myself this the other day. “Maybe Computer Management could make that person’s company one of their clients.”

Just how will that eliminate their road rage? Say that driver is a production manager. Big order in the works, important to meet a deadline, but there was an error in inventory and now the whole order has to wait for a shipment from a vendor with a long lead time. How many people yelled at the poor guy? Probably his boss did some yelling, as did the salesman who secured the order and perhaps others. A day like that might make me drive like that, too.

Or say that unsafe driver is in customer service. Customer calls in yelling about an order that’s late. Guy does his best to calm the customer down, then spends the rest of the day going from person to person to get information about the order – why is it late? When is it really going to ship? What can he offer to do to keep the customer from cancelling and make him want to order again? Which salesperson works with this customer? Notifying that person that their customer is angry is not going to be any more fun than talking to the angry customer. By the end of that day, I would have a real need to get out of there, pronto!

What’s the point? Software that allows for every area of a company to be aware of not just what is happening in their world, but in all other areas makes it possible to avoid these nightmares. Integrated software would allow production to know that inventory needs to be stocked. And would let purchasing know that a big order is in the pipeline so certain parts need to be ordered before they are needed. Customer service and sales would know before an order was late that there was a potential problem. So they could be proactive rather than reacting to an angry customer.
And the highways might even be safer at the end of the day.

Are your days difficult because you don’t have the information you need when you need it? Let Computer Management Services help. Give us a call, we’ll show you how better software tools can ease your stress.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Free Morning Workshop for Distributors

Save the Date....Thursday, May 6, 2010 from 9 am to 12 noon at the CMS Training Center.

Seminar topics have been exclusively developed for Sage MAS ERP Distributors. You’ll learn about solutions that can help your people spend more time on important operations, like quickly fulfilling customer orders, and less time on mundane tasks.

The Distribution business processes that we will be discussing are:

The benefits of integrated e-Commerce and designing an effective website

Increasing accuracy with end-to-end warehouse management solutions

Come early…Breakfast will be served and we would love for you to join us during this time to network. Tour Computer Management Westbrook and meet the team.

Limited seating so registration is required. Call Nikki at 860.399.4215 x.202 to reserve your seat.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Free Morning Manufacturing Workshop

Manufacturers who want to learn how to increase their net profitability are invited to attend this free manufacturing technology workshop offered by Computer Management this Spring. Discover industry tools that can teach you how to excel your manufacturing business. Seminar topics have been exclusively developed for Sage MAS ERP Manufacturers.

Topics include:
-Inventory planning and management made easy
-Managing the life-cycle and cost tracking of your organization’s quality control

Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010
Time: 9:00 am to 12 noon
Location: Computer Management, 70 Essex Rd, Westbrook, CT 06469
Cost: FREE with breakfast included

Seating is limited so register with Nikki today at 860.399.4215.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Version 4.4 has finally shipped

Account Manager Corner: Your Resource for Excellence

Version 4.4 has finally shipped. Many of you will be receiving this in the mail within the next couple of days, if you have not already.

Please join us on Monday March 8th, at 2pm to see the beneficial changes in 4.4. If you have Inventory Management, Purchase Order, Bill of Materials, or the Bar Code module, you will be seeing many enhancements in this latest version. Version 4.4 is bringing all of these modules up to the new business framework. In addition to that, there are many new standard views in the Business Insights Explorer as well that will be reflecting the changes.

Some of the major changes include:
-Customer Number Expansions
-Item Code Expansions
-Increased Decimal Precision
-Miscellaneous Item Maintenance Changes
-Standard Cost Valuation Improvements
-Drop Ship Improvements
-Increased Usability in Purchase Order and in Bill of Materials

Please contact me to register or to discuss any questions that you may have.

-Nikki Spirito
860.399.4215 x 202

Monday, March 1, 2010

Windows 7 Compatibility and MAS

At this time Sage MAS 90 and 200 version 4.4 Windows 7 compatibility testing is still underway. Sage expects information on Windows 7 compatibility to be published by the end of March 2010. Prior to upgrading any operating system, please contact us, and we can provide you with the most current Supported Platform Matrix.