Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year - New Beginnings

Well it’s that time of year…the time where everyone gets together to celebrate the past year and think about the year ahead. It is a time for new beginnings and resolutions. With the gloomy economy and the reality of a recession, it is hard to begin the year on a positive note. But we are here to help start your New Year with much success.

Before you can move forward, it is always helpful to review the past year and analyze what worked and what did not work for your business. Look at everything with a fresh new perspective. This will get you out of your comfort zone, kick start your thinking, and help you find better solutions to your problems. Think of what you want to accomplish this year. Make a list of your objectives for your business, and then list the specific activities that can help you achieve the objectives. It is important to break down your goals and activities into smaller and doable lists of tasks that you can do. To help you keep track of what you want to accomplish for your business, prepare specific timelines for your goals and activities - and stick to it.

The difficult part of setting goals at the start of the year is keeping the interest and momentum going. Like many New Year resolutions that go down the drain two weeks into the year, it is so easy to lose track of what you need to accomplish. To encourage yourself to keep working on the goals you’ve set up at the start of the year, celebrate after every task you have accomplished.

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